
May 26, 2010

Day 1.5

After my first day at school, I tried to find my way back to mi casa and got lost. lol. I walked around Antigua for two hours trying to find my house. I sort of remembered the name of my street and so I asked a lady to help me and she pointed me the in complete opposite direction! haha...God's works in funny ways because I found a French school as I was walking around the town. PERFECT! I walked up to their gate and asked to come in. There were two French guys there and I told them I was having trouble finding the house that I am staying in. Being the French people that they are (as some of your know...) they were sort of helpful and very sarcastic. None the less I asked to use their internet so that I could look up the address of my house because I had it saved in an email. All went well and they pointed me in the right direction and gave me directions that I could actually understand. As usual all of them were smoking -- ha typical French. They told me to come back if I was still lost. Luckily I didn't have to because I was able to find mi casa :) I could have taken a "tuck tuck" , which is a little wagon of a thing, but I wanted to walk and find my way on my own. It makes me laugh that I had to use French in the middle of Antigua to find my way back to my house -- Oh how languages come in handy.
When I got to the house, mi mama told me that Mr. Idaho went looking for me. Ooppss :P Now I know my way to la escuala and back so I won't get lost anymore. :)


  1.'re killing me here! You are not supposed to be wandering around lost in Antigua! :^)

  2. Chief, you're a man after my own heart. I guess we'd better send a map...hey Lex. (heheheh).

  3. Ha! Yes...a map would be good!

  4. I have one thank you very much! try and use the map I was given. not easy! Plus the roads are not really marked around here...voila.

  5. Ha! I can only imagine...especially given my vast knowledge of the language?
    Aloha, Lexie! :)
